Leader Spotlight

Emma Morris

Emma Morris

62 / 69

Grant Awarded 13 November 2011

Emma Morris is the founder of Beyond Youth, a social enterprise, and creator of the Chance 2 Change project. Beyond Youth aims to address the increasing numbers of young people engaging in offending behaviour, gang related violence, and the reoffending rates of those released from custody.  Beyond Youth also aims to increase the numbers of young people in employment, education, or training.  Through the Chance 2 Change programme, offending behaviour is reduced by providing an intervention that tackles the real reasons why they are offending, and empowers them to make the decisions necessary to break this continuous cycle. Beyond Youth delivers highly successful, intensive group-based interventions, through the unique specialist project Chance 2 Change, for young offenders and those at risk of offending, aged 14-25.  The programme reduces reoffending amongst those referred, increases life chances, and produces significant cost savings to society.  Chance to Change increases the emotional intelligence of all those referred, enabling them to make better life choices.

Award Date: November 2011

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