Baillie Aaron and Daniel Marshall were the co-founders of RISE, a social enterprise start-up that won the 2011 Cambridge University Entrepreneur’s Social Enterprise Award. Daniel is no longer involved with Spark Inside and therefore is no longer a co-founder. Spark Inside (formerly, RISE) engages with young people aged 15-25 in the criminal justice system, focussing on those who face the greatest obstacles to breaking the re-offending cycle, by providing professional Life Coaching. Life Coaching helps them identify their strengths and ambitions, enabling them to reach out to new goals and actions. This approach provides a unique gateway to education, employment and training, and one which sticks because it is their choice : the coaching shows clients how to drive their own sustainable change. In Spark Inside’s pilot programme, only 12.5% of clients leaving prison reoffended after one year, relative to the 70% national average. For more information on Spark Inside, please visit
Award Date: June 2010