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Lindsey Crosbie Receives Grant 27th April 2023

Posted by Emmie Whitehead

Published 27 April 2023


Lindsey Crosbie is the Founder of With Horses CIC, a social enterprise that provides courses, curricula, and consulting services in the Equine Assisted Activities sector.  It aims to make equine assisted activities more easily accessible and widely recognised and to ensure that they are provided with the highest level of safety and ethics.  All profits from With Horses are donated to the Tinnis Trust, a charity that provides opportunities for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to experience the benefits of horses and the outdoors.

Lindsey is a certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor, Equine interaction Professional and Equine Behaviourist.  She is passionate about sharing the ways in which horses can help people gain confidence, communication, and coping skills.  She specialises in working with survivors of trauma and care-experienced young people.  Lindsey grew up in a low income, single parent household in an inner-city area with little access to horses and the countryside.  Her vision is for a society where all people can have access to their life-changing benefits, regardless of background.

The Shackleton Leadership Award is helping Lindsey to provide two pilot therapeutic retreats, one for care-experienced young people and another for young women who are survivors of trauma.  The retreats will provide access to equine assisted therapy, accredited life skills training and the opportunity to train and gain qualifications in animal  care and land-based skills.

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