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Published 2 February 2017
Eve is the Founder and Managing Director of Well Grounded, a speciality Coffee Academy that is changing lives.
Well Grounded tackles youth unemployment through coffee, by linking socially and economically disadvantaged 16-24 year olds with skills they need to access roles as Professional Baristas. It is based on the belief that all young people have a right to a job, whatever their background. Young people gain a career but most importantly economic stability, increased confidence and key functional skills. They are provided with a vital wrap around services to sustain them in employment supporting them every step of the way.
Well Grounded launched in 2015 and has supported 15 beneficiaries into employment as Speciality Baristas and a further 10 into further education and work placements. The Shackleton Award will enable Eve to scale the social enterprise this year and support more young people, as well as securing a permanent Academy space. Eve is a 2015/2016 Lloyds Social Entrepreneur, an UnLtd Fellow and Alumni of the Centre of Charity Effectiveness.