Tom believes passionately in the power of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - the UK's fastest growing martial art - to change young people's lives. Tom has been involved in the youth and community sector for 10 years, and knows the value of innovative approaches that give young people a new positive focus. He has trained and competed in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) for the same amount of time, and saw the unique potential of BJJ to support young people's physical and mental health. So he started Rise Community Jiu-JItsu - the UK's first social enterprise for BJJ!
Rise sets up affordable and impactful BJJ programmes that engage disadvantaged young people in London, Bristol and beyond. Through the physical activity, wraparound support and youth employability offers of these ‘flagship’ programmes, Rise improves young people’s physical and mental health, gives a positive focus in a friendly and welcoming environment and provides meaningful work experience. Ultimately through the impact of these programmes Rise aims to create a long-term blueprint of BJJ for greater good amongst disadvantaged young people