Leader Spotlight


Miguel Dean

53 / 69

Grant Awarded 16 January 2012

In 2011 Miguel founded the community interest company ‘Miguel Dean – Youth Training and Development’. His work mainly involves delivering training to professionals who work with disadvantaged young people, and working directly with young people. He also gives talks on overcoming adversity, coaches on a one-to-one basis, and helps design youth training projects. The essence of his work is based on the premise that “I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.” (Carl Jung). Miguel suffered a traumatic childhood which led to a life of drugs, alcohol and violence, and subsequently to homelessness, begging on the streets of Edinburgh. With the birth of his son came the realisation that it was time for him to take responsibility for his life. These experiences as a child and young man, and the qualities that he developed, mean that he is ideally suited to support others who have not had the best start in life. Through thirteen years of working with young people he has come to learn that it is not just what you do but who you are that matters when we endeavour to inspire and motivate others.

Award Date: January 2012

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