Leader Spotlight


Kayleigh Harper

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Grant Awarded 16 January 2015

Kayleigh Harper is a Co-founder of Without Theatre, and creator of the ‘Drama for Wellbeing’ programme.  Drama for Wellbeing supports young people and vulnerable adults enabling them to gain a wider understanding, for themselves and others, of the issues surrounding mental health challenges using communication, performance techniques and play.  This programme offers a creative platform for individuals to share personal stories and discuss difficult topics in a positive and supportive environment.

Without Theatre also produces creative, original and exciting works for audiences through live performance and story telling.  We exist to challenge stereotypical conceptions of mental health using innovative immersive theatre techniques to create an intimate relationship between actor and audience, blurring the lines of performance and participation.  It is our aim to engage the public to rethink the conventional narratives of mental health using site-responsive aesthetics, captivating characters and interactive play.

Award Date: January 2015

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