Harriet used her Shackleton Award to develop her successful behaviour-change project at HMP Portland into a charity. TheHorseCourse delivers innovative programmes using natural horsemanship as a context to teach mental and emotional self control. The evidence base for the work has grown, including several independent academic studies. Results show remarkable improvements in outcomes for violent young offenders: 27 % points reduction in reoffending (where 10% would be considered successful); and more recently with troubled young people with problems such as offending, self harm, exclusion from school, anxiety, ADHD, Domestic Violence. The approach taken to evidencing innovation has been lauded, “TheHorseCourse exemplifies the right attitude and approach towards collecting and analysing data in order to test and demonstrate impact, as well as develop practice responsively.” James Noble, New Philanthropy Capital. TheHorsecourse now runs a busy HQ near Weymouth, Dorset and the number of HorseCourse approved facilitators around the UK is growing.
Award Date: July 2011