Leader Spotlight

carina millstone

Carina Millstone

32 / 69

Grant Awarded 10 March 2011

Carina Millstone is the Founder and Chief Executive of The Orchard Project, a small charity that aims to develop a skilled community of Londoners to plant, care for and harvest fruit trees. The London Orchard Project is concerned with building community resilience in a changing climate, increasing access to fresh fruit and improving the quality of the urban landscape. The charity works with community groups across London to plant, harvest and restore orchards, and has to date planted 22 community orchards and trained the volunteers necessary to look after the trees. Carina received a grant from the Shackleton Foundation in early 2011, and used this grant to work with four partner community groups – housing estate residents and park user groups – to plant and maintain four new community orchards.

Award Date: March 2011

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